Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Sharing Roses

Roses are such a pleasant part of creation. I so love them. This year my grandsons sold them and I bought three of them. They have been a joy to watch grow and bloom.

I used to walk my twins to the flowers on the campus of the Bible College Doug was going to saying "lovely flowers." They made their own word and would repeat "ff-lawv-e-lee's."

Karolyn Marie and Karla Mae - you girls are always a joy to me, and just like the roses - you make my heart happy. Thanks for being that to me. God has blessed Dad and I with so much more than we deserve.

What a wonderful God to have given "Twin A" and "Twin B" to us... how many years ago now??? ha

The Twinz - They've been roses in our lives.


Zona Wilson said...

I would love to see an updated picture of the Twinz! (You and Doug were so CUTE!)

Susannah said...

Beauty all around! Twins? I didn't realize. :~D

DeLong House said...

Awww, thanks Mom! I loved that! You know, these roses were the result of very caring hands.

Constance said...

I have 7 rose bushes and I love the way the smell of a single rose, brought indoors, saturates the air with its fragrance! Happy birthday to your beautiful daughters! Children are a tremendous blessing!

TO BECOME said...

I love roses but not as much as you love your special blooms. They are so sweet as babies and I am sure much so now that they are older. Twins are so special, double the fun. connie from Texas

Faith said...

GORGEOUS...loved reading your thoughts....God bless you!

Blessed2BaMommy said...

I read your blog from time to time & didn't know you had twin girls. My 5th & 6th are twin girls; they are 2yrs old now & an incredible joy. I never thought I'd be so blessed & I know what you mean about them making your "heart happy". Mine do for me too & I thank God for them, & all my children :).

Marie VW said...

Aww mom, so sweet!

Joy said...

I did not know that you had twin girls. What a blessing.
The photos of the roses are so beautiful you can almost smell them!
God bless

Jettie said...

Hello hello!!!!!!!!!!!! Wow where did summer go!!! I have sooooooooooooooooooooooo misssed having time to visit!! I have started a new blog and will close out others i hate to delete it all but it's almost full!!
Beautiful roses!! I got six of of mine this year!! And I love that photo!!