Thursday, June 25, 2009

Snow in June

Picture of my family in Aleknagik, along with our grandchildren Lexie and Ashlee. (We were there in May.)

Woke up to snow on the mountain tops this week. A friend of mine that used to live in Alaska mentioned termination dust! Oh my word NO! This morning I went outdoors and I have to admit that the air felt fall-ish. The sun was shining on my back but the air had a definite feel of fall in it.

I don't look forward to summer dwindling, but we live in Alaska and I must accept it. Makes me think of merino wool and how much I love merino wool! It is wool, warm like wool, but it's not itchy! I love that stuff! I think it's a good idea for people that live in the cooler areas to invest in good wool clothing, especially with the cost of fuel so ridiculous. People used to survive without oil-even in Alaska!

Mom is visiting my sister Rebecca in Pedro Bay, she asked about knitting patterns, so I did a search and found something online and while I was looking I got the feeling like I should knit again. Oh my word, it passed by the time I printed out some patterns. ha

Does anyone have a good pattern for arctic socks? She would like a pattern for those.

Hope you all are having a great summer... at least warm! I heard from a friend it was 104 F in Texas!!! Now that is extreme! yikes

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cool Video

I got this link from a friend and I enjoyed it so much I thought I would share it here. If you have not seen it yet it's The Great Chinese State Circus, ( Swan Lake. Acrobatics and dance combined. It's pretty cool and had to have taken hours and hours of practice!

Give it time to load, it's worth it.

It is amazing to me what the human body can accomplish if there is determination to excel. Enjoy.

Here is my favorite little dancer once again! Raegan, our daughter Karla's Babe! She is so cute! Raegan turns two and dances to Mama-Mia!

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Impromtu Fellowship!

We had a beautiful, refreshing visit down in Aleknagik with my sister Kotya and her family. I loved the week we spent with them. We cut it a day short to skedaddle out before the low that was threatening reached us. We decided it was best we left when we could, otherwise we could probably be out there longer than Doug should be. Life happens - and we must comply!

Chris and Kotya have an older empty house that came with the property that they purchased to build their own home on, that is where we slept while out there. We were so comfortable we could have spent the whole summer out there, well at least I could have. :-)

One of the highlights of this trip for me happened on Sunday. Aleknagik has been without a regular pastor for many years but last winter they had the blessing of someone preaching regularly all winter. (Sorry can't remember his name.) He went to Bethel for the summer, perhaps to fish? Anyway, I asked Kotya, "Will there be church tomorrow?" "No, because we don't have a pastor this summer. If there is church, the bell will ring." How cool is that?

Early Sunday morning Doug and I got up and went out to walk up to the airfield, and check out a bit more of the village. As we were walking down to the dock area the church bell began to ring! We stopped, listened, and then walked back up towards the church where we met Joe-Joe for the first time. "Is there going to be church this morning?" "If people show up, I guess we can always worship," Joe-Joe replied. Cool!

We all ended up in church together that morning because after Joe-Joe finished teaching Sunday School to the children, one of them ran to the bell and rang it before he could stop her. "I was not expecting to lead church today, the kid that rang the bell got me into a position I didn't really want to be in." We laughed. There was about thirteen of us there that morning. We sang, heard a special from Kay and heard testimonies. It was all such a blessing to me.

Joe-Joe's testimony of being pulled out of alcoholism when he was saved encouraged my heart. He spoke so well of his love for God. He said that one day he ran out of gas and the Pastor was going by and stopped to help him. His heart was touched by his care for him, which he felt he did not deserve. Shortly after that he repented of the way he had spent his life and made a turn around. He read the Bible and from his talk/testimony I could hear the salt of God's word. "God came and shined a light in the dark place where I was and He saved me." I am so thankful for the fellowship of other Believer's wherever we go.

God redeems those willing to see sin as sin; turning away from sin and daily living life challenged by the life-changing Word of God. When His Word is shined into our dark lives it is filled with Light. There is joy and peace in abundance for those that will see themselves as they are - the lost, the needy, those who Christ lovingly paid the blood price to win back from the bondage of sin. There is no other way to God the Father that God will accept - except for the gift that our True Friend came along side us to give by dying and rising again.

Pray for Joe-Joe and for the believers in Aleknagik, for we have a powerful enemy that skulks around looking for ways to dim the Light that shines, making it of little effect to those still lost in darkness. And wherever you are Believer... shine brightly, for you have been given the Words of Life Eternal! Keep getting together Aleknagik Christian's, and keep encouraging each other to stand firm until He returns.

But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust has conceived, it brings forth sin; and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death. Do no err, my beloved brethren." James 1:14, 15, 16.