Monday, December 22, 2008

Mary & Women & Christ's Love

I was overdue a week, and as Doug and I were attending a friends wedding I could feel that contractions were beginning. I ignored them for a while thinking that these things take time anyway. Besides, we were poor Bible students at the time and my husband was so looking forward to the reception where there was going to be a feast fit for a king!

As the ceremony progressed I knew the contractions were leveling out and becoming very regular! So I asked Doug for his watch. He looked at me in horror and whispered to me "No!" But yes, Kim was on her way and she was not going to be considerate for anyone's wishes but her own!

It turned out that this birth was very hard. Not hard because it took long but that it happened way too fast! The doctor did not make it to the hospital in time. Kim was born as I cried out in pain while being pushed through the swinging delivery room doors by two night nurses! They held Kim and then looked at each other and one said, "Now what?"

I always recall that night and say that she was the worst pain and delivery I ever went through of all five deliveries!

The hard trouble that came on women in childbirth is a curse that came with death at the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden. Mary also suffered in childbearing.

I watched a movie (can't remember the title, sorry), a movie on TBN about the birth, life and death of Jesus Christ. I could imagine the fear of Mary, the pregnant young girl, living in a culture where she would be stoned for being in this condition outside of marriage. Joseph was going to put her away for having become pregnant when he knew that they had not been together. I would have to guess that both Mary and Joseph had many sleepless nights!

Listen to Ravi as he answers a question a lady asked about a friend who chose not to believe the Bible/Christianity because she had read the curse to women. Pain in childbearing. "I can't believe in something that does not believe in me."

What a great response from Ravi - speaking of the great value that Jesus Christ placed on womanhood.

"Go and sin no more."

Merry Christmas to all my blogging friends.


Connie Marie said...

Hey Sandi! I see your comments coming in. Merry Christmas!
I hope you can get away from work to get in some fun shopping after Christmas. HUGs

Susannah said...

What a precious photo of your family!!!! I still have no sound on my computer. DH is working on it so I can watch the video of Ravi.

Sorry you had so much pain with Kim.

Have a blessed Christmas, Connie Marie. :~D

Faith said...

I love the pic of your family! It is so sweet. What a birth story!
Unfortunately I can't watch the video of hubby did something to this computer to prevent certain things from working....he is such a computer geek...if I get on the other computer later I can watch it. Merry Xmas to you!!!!

Joy said...

Thank you so much for sharing that wonderful story and the cute family photo. I hope that you had a wonderful Christlike Christmas. God bless!

Susannah said...

Wow! I came back to listen and watch Ravi. Such powerful message for a man speaking "off the cuff."
Amen... and thanks for sharing this video clip. :~D

Joy said...

How was your Christmas?

Attie said...

Merry Late Christmas love that picture!!! Haven't had much time to leave commets this pat week you know why!! and Yes get you some Vapor klenexes..if you can't find any there let me know I'll send some your way!!!!!