Wednesday, May 02, 2007

My Forget-Me-Not Poem

One day this poem came to me when I was looking at some forget-me-not flowers.

My Forget-Me-Not
by Connie VanWingerden

It's just a little flower,
But it has a great big thought;
'Cause every time you look at it,
It says, "Forget me not!"

Well, I visited Millie today with seriously high hopes of hearing her talk, but she made not a peep!

No peeps, just sleeps.

Day 127.


Constance said...

Good Morning Sweet Lady!

Cute poem!
Still praying for Millie!

Hugs through the internet,

mrsjojo said...

I'm continuing my prayers for Millie! I'm hoping to see her in a couple of weeks.

I LOVE forget me nots, I guess that's why I'm the "pink forget me not"! :)

I saw your post for Tuesday and enjoyed it. You are so creative. Also, you are sooooooo busy with your busy, growing family! What a blessing to all. Your video is great.

I've had sooooo much trouble logging onto my blog and have been sooooo discouraged about it but I think I have that all under control now. It takes some people a long time to figure out things!!!!! Hopefully, I can get on here more often now that I will have most of the moving under control. :)

Connie Marie said...

Morning Connie, thanks for continuing to pray for Mil. I am positive that someday we will get to visit with her again.

I dreamed the other night that she was sitting up and I was so happy to see her looking at me, talking to me and I asked her..."so tell me what you thought about, what you saw while you were sleeping so long!!!!" She just sat there and in her very Millie way, quietly scrunched her eyebrows together and seriously shook her head and said, "nothing, I didn't see nothing, I don't remember nothing." hahaha Crazy dream.

MrsJoJo, Thanks to you too for praying for Mil.

I have been learning how to manipulate code for years and years and years. It didn't take me a short time to learn anything either. I just started a little before you, I think. I am sure in no time at all you will be a whiz at this stuff... just like Connie from Texas is getting to be.

I finally got that goofy video to work!!!! I have been trying to get it something internet ready for a long time. My handycam software makes it difficult to do. If you are considering buying a digital movie camera, forget about the little Sony handycam if you want something that is easy to share videos online. Unless they make changes to their software and make it ALOT more user friendly... it is a pain in the patoozey!

Glad you are getting your move under control. I enjoy looking at your picture at Millie's, with your Grandbabe.

TO BECOME said...

I like the poem. HOw is the weather in Alaska right now? It is very nice here on the Texas Gulf coast. I have a Granddaughter in law who is from Alaska.She is living here now that she married my grandson but she still misses Alaska. connie from Texas

Connie Marie said...

Oh hi Connie, I just saw your post. Been very busy here this weekend.

We are well into spring up here. We have had a lot of sunshine and now we need some rain. Smoky the Bear says that fire danger is HIGH and that bothers me so when I heard it begin to rain I was happy. We got a wee bit of precipitation last night. Now it is cloudy.

Temps around here are hanging in the low 50s. Nice!

Thanks for visiting my blog.