Tuesday, March 06, 2007


I could not load the Cabela's update site for hours and now it's up again and oh no! The site is reporting a bunch of what has to be oopsies!

Sorlie is winning in first place, followed by Ken Anderson, Heather Siitola, Dave Tresino, Louis Nelson, Tom Roig, Tim Osmar, Scott Smith, Heather Siirtola, and Jeff Wells, that is just the top ten. They are showing that Gebhardt has scratched and I can't even find Buser.... where are you Buser?

Oh the woes of web building, haha.

I am watching from Iditarod.com too. From there Lance Lackey is still up in # 1 and still resting in Nikolai; Gebhardt has not scratched; Zack Steer continues showing in Nikolai; Aliy Zirkle is back up in the top 5; Jeff King - showing up at #6 position, and Buser is still running in the race! (12th position right now.)

*tappin' my fingers on the keys*

It's still Day 70

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