Wednesday, February 28, 2007


I shared this at MySpace and thought I would take it and post it here.

I am subscribed to A Slice of Infinity, part of the Ravi Zacharias ministry This mornings email devotional was a good one to read. "Restless Hearts."

I especially liked the words Jill Carattini quoted by St. Augustine: "You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in thee."

Just because I know the Lord and love Him does not mean that restless discontent is banished. Nope. I struggle with it from time to time.

This morning when I walked outside - it was so cold that I was immediately mad. I am so tired of cold weather that I fumed and decided that I wanted to sell everything and move away. I say things like that occasionally but most of the time as soon as I warm back up the thoughts fly away.

Alaska is a place in the winter where scores of people can become discontented and hate the climate. But just warm it up a few degrees and those feelings disappear and the beauty that surrounds us alleviates the anger that the bitter cold stirs up during the dark, cold days of winter. I see it all the time -when the temps rise the bounce in the Alaskans steps comes back. We walk in and out of buildings wearing only short sleeve shirts at about freezing. We smile when the rest of the world looks at us with astonishment. But after minus temps just freezing is spring!

I am so ready for 32F!!!! Come on Spring.

Ah well. I guess the last few weeks this biting cold has put me into some kind of a crazy mood. Probably discontent!

Day 64


Constance said...

I probably shouldn't "brag" but it's been really nice down here. We've had the windows open for over a week now, even overnight. I enjoy this time because we usually have to run the A/C in April, we don't get much of a Spring.

I was remembering something from the book, "Ada Blackjack" (which is how I found out about you, remember?) In it they spoke of how she came down with ACTIC HYSTERIA
and how that affected her. I had never heard of that before but it made sense. It's hard to understand because of where I have always lived.

When we first moved down here from Colorado, we made fun of people who bundled up when the temps "dropped" down into the 50's. After 14 years, I too have become a sissy just like them! Ha Ha!

Connie Marie said...

lol, you are so lucky to be a "sissy", lol I think it is so nice that you can sleep with your window open. Right now the wind is howling and the temps are still cold so it is critical to be sure to have the proper clothing if you go anywhere. I think we would freeze dry in a matter of hours if left outdoors right now.

My daughter Kim just called to tell me that they went home (they were here visiting all morning) and the cat they took home from Tony's Gramma, the one that just passed away, died. Poor ol' Milo. Kim was telling me about him and how he seemed to be acting sick. He is over ten years old. I think he missed Lela because he just never seemed to be at home with all the kids. Anyawy, my poor grandchildren, I could hear them crying so hard over this. Poor babes. They haven't had the cat very long but they already loved him so much.

Kerri said...

I was so happy the past couple days when our temps finally dipped back down into the twenties. Everyone grumbled ('cause for SE, 20 degrees is cold) and I smiled. haha People at work think I'm nuts. We've warmed up today, to just above freezing and now it is snowing. We're in the middle of a winter storm warning and they're saying we could get as much as 14 inches by tomorrow. That means I'll probably be in snow all week in Sitka, too. But, the fishermen are happy. It should be a good herring season for them with all this snow!

Connie Marie said...

Well that is the best reason I have heard to like cold weather---fish!

I hope you all don't get too stormy down there. Take care. HUGs

Constance said...

Poor ole kitty cat Milo. He probably missed Gramma like you said. Pets are wonderful but when they pass away it breaks your heart. Still knowing that, pets are a wonderful way for kids to learn about responsibility and unconditional love. Unless it's a people hating, attack parakeet named Birdzilla who resides in my kitchen hanging from a hook!

God has used him to teach me a few simple object lessons over the years!