Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Nest

Well, here I am uploading pictures even when my granddaughters are still here too. I guess we are getting the hang of having youngsters around the house. While Marie is here things just seem to run so much more smoothly! She is so good that she even gave me a pedicure (making sure I don't say "she gave me a pedigree" again)! That felt wonderful and I am still wiggling my toes with happiness!

My cough and sore throat are on the mend!

This is as close a view as I can get without climbing up into the tree!
Chevy might be a deterrent to any birds that want to join our happy family.
The arrow points to the nest in the burned tree.
This Eagle could also be a problem to Magpie eggs/offspring.

We are keeping an eye on the nest and the birds. I will post pictures again of them if I can get close enough to snap a few while they are there. I had a friend tell me that he has a furrow on top of his head from getting too close to a nesting couple of magpies! I guess I can wear a helmet when I am out taking pictures if I have to. Right now they don't look so threatening. I wish I could stick a web cam into the tree!

Well, whaddaya know! It has just started raining here!

April showers bring May flowers!


Connie Marie said...

Spring is my favorite time of the year! I want to enjoy all of it this year. It goes by too fast!

Kerri said...

whatever you do, don't touch the nest, some birds (maybe all?) will abandon a nest if they sense it's been touched.

We had freezing cold wet snow yesterday during the totem pole raising yesterday. I didn't even stay for the ribbon cutting because my face was numb! It's a nice totem pole, though. I'll post pictures once I get some. My camera died just before they raised the pole. :o(

I like watching everything come to life in the spring and listening to the birds...but I still like winter, better.

Constance said...

Neat pictures! Especially the eagle one. The only time I get to see eagles is when we haed out west on vacation. You know, the helmet would protect your head not only from birdie beaks but birdie poopies too! Ha Ha!

Connie Marie said...

Birdie beaks and birdie poops, sounds like a name for some Easter candy.

I remember when the young boys in the village would catch the young magpies and crows, then keep them for pets. Tie a string around their leg and walk them just like a dog. One kid would let his bird walk up to our shoes and the bird would untie our shoes! They said if you cut their tongue somehow they could mimic words and start to speak just like some parrots do.

I tried to delete your extra post kerrie then I lost my own post. I will try again.

Constance said...

I don't know about the whole cutting the tongue thing (yuck) but I know that birds are fun pets. Growing up, we had parakeets and one in particuliar thought he was human. Charlie has Squeegy the cockatiel and this guy just KNOWS he's human. Either that or we are featherless birds!

He's extremely social and will sit for hours with you. Sometimes he becomes annoying when he tries chewing on my necklace and of course you always wear the "Bird Poop Shirt". He gets excited when he sees you putting it on b/c he knows he's coming out of his cage and sitting on your shoulder! He's a real character!