Thursday, January 12, 2006

Ballistic Showers

Mt.Augustine as seen from the AVO webcam, 1/12/06 11 A.M. Alaska time.

Unrest continues to escalate culminating in an eruption that is similar to those that occurred in 1976 and 1986. An eruption such as this would likely spread volcanic ash throughout and perhaps beyond Cook Inlet depending upon the prevailing winds. Much of Augustine Island would be inundated by pyroclastic flows, mud flows, ash fall, and ballistic showers. Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO considers this one of several possible in-the-near future scenarios of Mt. Augustine's eruptive state.)

Pictured: Mt.Augustine in 1986. US Geological Survey Website.

Ballistic showers. Can you imagine picnicing in such an area when a violent ballistic shower began to occur? I am guessing those showers would include ash, sand, pebbles... rocks!

Just as having frequent little earthquakes is safer, little puffs of steam occasionally are better than one big gigantic ballistic shower. Although a huge eruption would be much more impressive there may be people hurt in it's burst of power. We don't want that!

Volcanoes remind me of myself. Little gruffs and growls are better than one big explosion of anger. I know! No anger is the best, but sometimes anger happens. I like to say it's because of hormones, but deep inside I know it's selfishness. Me! Me! Me! Mine! Mine! Mine! I want! I need! Wahhhh! Sounding much the same as I sounded when I was a little one. It does not happen all that often but sometimes I feel like I can throw out this computer when this blog keeps messing up these paragraphs!

Doug and I talk sometimes of the body of Christ. The Bible teaches that not all are the same (position/talent/ministry.). Not all can be the arm, not all the mouth, etc. I suggested to him that I think I am an appendix. He laughs and asks why. Because, says I, the appendix is needed and no one really knows why. It has a place in the body, does it's work quietly each day, not disturbing any other "body parts". But sometimes.... sometimes, the appendix will go haywire and then EVERYONE knows it's being a pain! It causes the whole body to groan! Sometimes... it even "erupts"!

Ballistic showers do result from such an outburst. Showers that drop loads on everyone around, dirty ash and heavy stones that hurt. Then--- I have to do the most horrible thing that the pride in me hates to do, apologize.

Doug is definitely hands and a great big heart. He works and works and works. I rarely ever see him become volcanic. We need lots and lots more people like him. Our bodies need only one appendix, but it uses two hands. If you lose your hands, the body has great difficulty, if you lose the appendix? The body goes on!


Well enough from me today.

Puff. Puff. Puff.


Kerri said...

I think we all wonder what our purpose is from time to time. I'm pretty sure, though, that you are much more than an appendix. You do not go unnoticed. If you were to go missing, you would surely be missed. You are respected and loved. Probably by more than you'll ever know. :o)

Anonymous said...

lol, when you wrote me! me! me! mine! mine! mine! I thought you were going to say; Like Daffy Duck says to Bugs Bunny, when they've found gold/jewels and Daffy becomes selfish and stomps Bugs back in the rabbit hole, as he's saying me! me! me! mine! mine! mine! *giggling* Chad and myself will say that from time to time just joking around, as we tend to do quite often.

On a more serious note,as I have said before, I just loooove reading your blog, it's great writing! God gave you a great gift to write in that way and to tie it in with stories...! :)

Have a great day/weekend.

Deborah Lynn

Constance said...

I really appreciated reading your blog this morning! Like Deborah Lynn, I envisioned the same cartoon scenario with a selfish, greedy Daffy Duck! Ha Ha Thanks for the volcano info, we don't have much exposure to that living in Texas!

If you're an appendix sometimes I wonder if I'm a kidney stone? I notice that the times I feel like I'm not much of a contributor to the body of Christ is when I'm focusing a lot on me. It seems to feed that restlessness within me that crops up from time to time.

I was speaking to my real father on the phone the other day, he's been a Believer for almost 30 years and is an incredibly godly man. Not showy or flashy, "just" steadfast. Despite my dysfunctional past and all of the hurts that God has healed me of, my father is a very real man of God. I digress...

We talked about the world's perception of us as Christians. I told him that I don't understand why the world thinks that Christianity is a crutch, for weak people. The biggest challenge I face every day is to die to self and live for Christ. If anyone thinks that that is easy, they've never really tried to live a lifetime of it! It's easy to act like the rest of the world-we just do that which comes naturally! Living as Christ intended us to live, serving Him and others, is like swimming upstream in a blinding thunderstorm! I'm comforted in knowing that God is looking for progress not perfection!

Connie Marie said...

Thanks for your words (((((Kerrie))))), they are much appreciated. But I feel like I am of all women most blessed. I am very thankful for the family and life I live. In case you think I may be in the pits of despair I need to say that I said "I think that I am an appendix" ---in jest.

Deborah Lynn, thanks very much for your kind compliment. I love writing and I guess I have since I was a little girl and my teacher said... you have a talent, you should be a writer. I never made much of that thought, but thank goodness for blogging, its been great to type out the thoughts that would otherwise be stuck inside my head somewhere.

Constance, we'd make a great pair--- your stone and my eruption! What a blessing to have a Dad who loves the Lord! I miss my Dad a lot lately.

I don't normally respond to each comment, unless asked a specific question, but since Deborah Lynn commented again I wanted to say thanks. While I was here I thought I would comment on kerrie and Constance too.

Thanks Debbadoo!

How about that volcano huh?

Connie Marie said...

Like we all know, each of us has a gift which is not something we made/developed ourselves-- its a special way we each have to encourage one another. They should be used to do that, huh? Thanks (((((Sis))))) :-)

Anonymous said...

You're very welcome Connie Marie! :)