I never liked that Christmas came around before Thanksgiving in the shopping malls, but here I am contributing to this crazy time of the year. This link will take you to Christmas.com's website which has a countdown you can check to see how much time you have left before you need to panic! Right down to the second...even in your own time zone!
To get some of us slowpokes started (I know some ladies that are DONE Christmas shopping!) I will share pictures or links to things I have found that might be cool gifts. Today I wanted to show you things I saw as I was looking through a catalog. For the man who has everything ---gift ideas.
I love this stocking for the hard working man in your life. Or woman too!
Sometimes after a long work day...these might be nice, if they WORK too!
Hey! Now we don't have to go to the dentist. Let's do our own teeth! No doctor kit though!
And my favorite----
Do you know someone that would love to open this up on Christmas morning? I loved the shocked look on the lady behind him. lol All these gifts can be found at Duluth Trading. (My son's catalog.)
Last year we made some of our Christmas gifts. I think Christmas is just way too commercial. How about a quiet evening with hot cider, thinking about the Lord's birth?
It's hard to try to change, because it affects those we love. We think we show love by what kind of gifts we recieve and give. Most of the time the ones in our lives make the mistake, (I do too!), that the amount we are loved is shown in the $$$$ size of the gift.
Love is Dad taking out the trash for the gazillionth time. Mom baked that birthday cake for the 30th time! Jesus showed His love, when He became obedient to even death.
Love does things. $$$ gifts are so dissatisfying. They go away, they get dusty, they fall apart.
Okay, enough of my thoughts, this is all for this post! I might find more gifts to share from my travels. Have fun shopping$$$$
I'm normally done shopping by Halloween and done wrapping by Thanksgiving but I haven't even started yet! 50 days is all I have?!
That's because you two have been chatting too long on your instant messengers!
Christmas is my MOST favorite Holiday. The sheer significance of why we celebrate it is enough! Our Pastor always references the fact that, the King of Kings left heaven above only to come as a helpless infant and be placed in a manger that was filled with cow slobber. That's "real world".
We've always set modest limits for our presents to people. We have it in our budget so that throughout the year, money is being set aside for it. I know of some people who spend incredible amounts of money and go into debt over Christmas. To me that's pure insanity! I can understand why people lose the menaing of Christmas and groan when they think of it approaching!
That's so sad!
We just got that same catalog in the mail but I haven't looked at it yet. I guess I should!
I'd have to say we're guilty on that one! haha :o)
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