Saturday, June 18, 2005


My daughter who does wedding consulting and decorating, asked me to create a bracelet that would work as a gift for the guests. So I was surfing to find information about the Tlingket's in Southeast Alaska and ideas for a design. I found this article on the way and thought it was a good addition to sharing Alaska here. The story is about this 60 foot tall totem pole that was stolen from Fort Tongass in 1899 and then unveiled in Seattle!
"The Indians were all away fishing, except for one who stayed in his house and looked scared to death. We picked out the best looking totem pole... I took a couple of sailors ashore and we chopped it down - just like you'd chop down a tree. It was too big to roll down the beach, so we sawed it in two."
That is maddening. They did not even pay the price the village asked for! Read the Story Here.

1 comment:

Kerri said...

You're right. That is maddening. Especially to one who knows the true value of the art.