Wednesday, December 28, 2011

"cabin fever"

It's been a learning experience for me looking out for Mom. She could not live out her days alone because of her weakness and disorientation. There were the little things she did or didn't do that made it hard to let her be alone at her house. Then she had a stroke.

This morning I read an email from her caregiver. She needs the Medicaid medical/insurance paperwork done and approved to allow her transportation from assisted living to the senior center because she is experiencing "cabin fever."

Made me smile because she never seemed to allow such feelings to overwhelm her and expected the same from us girls. No "cabin fever", no sadness on dark, gloomy days but we should "overcome evil with good."

Now she cries at a drop of a hat.

I hope your transportation is approved soon Mom!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011


2011 is almost history. So many things in our lives are not good but if you decide to take your eyes off of those then you can see the good better. In 2011 I got to spend a lot more time with Kim and her kids! That has been a blessing. We flew out to visit Karla and her family in Oregon. I love knowing exactly where they are when she writes about their goings on. Mom is stronger than she was at this time last year. I have a new computer with working USB's and I have updated my iPhone for the first time since I bought it (like two years ago! ha). It's time to upgrade to iPhone 4s! We have a new grand baby on the way (Klint & Calli)!! (Coming in March.) Just a few things I am thankful for today. Hope you all had a very pleasant Christmas. We did.