Thursday, August 03, 2006

Howling Fun!

"The best way to forget all your troubles is to wear tight shoes." I don't know who said that originally, but thought it was funny and so true! And it has nothing to do with this post, just had to include --it was so funny to me today.

When something hurts me that is all that Ican think about and sometimes when it hurts plenty hard enough, I'll even get to the point of dropping some of my strongest inhibitions.

This past weekend we attended The Howling Huskies Gospel Festival. This is the third year for this event in Palmer. Gospel music sung by groups from Alaska and a group that came from Canada - "The Jackson's." (We love you Jackson's!)

It rained and was c-c-c-cccold for most of the time, but if you like gospel music, Howling Huskies delivered. The weekend is attended mostly by Alaskan natives but all people are welcomed. It's a good place to hear gospel sung in native dialects too.

Besides the singing there is food. This years event did not have as much food as years before but there were "alaciqs" thanks to Greg! (Fried bread.) I love fried bread and so do many others and his fried bread was yummie.

The festival is held every last weekend in July. The idea is a great one. Edna Shugak is the strongest mover for Howling Huskies and most of the planning and the getting people working together is on her shoulders. So, when she had a death in the family she had to scramble to get back-up support. Many that usually are there to help also left to attend the funeral and some who used to be so involved were not even there at all. Yet, in God's plans, none of us are "indispensible" as I was reminded by a good friend during the past weekend. God blesses the hearts of those He wishes to touch, even through a limping-along music festival.

The first ever "Campfire" was planned and carried out by Marie, our daughter. This was to be a time geared towards building relationships between young people. It was a bit disappointing because most of the ones that attended the evening were not young people, maybe young at heart, but definitely not young. I think this planned event will be a great time of fun for young adults every year. So next July, plan to attend! Even if there were not many young adults there the group still had fun playing a native game that was provided by Doug, a native from Old Harbor.

This years Howling Huskies had more people than ever despite the cold 65 F degrees we huddled in both days. Hoping to have even more show up next year with more vendors and more food! I think we need an espresso stand! Especially with cold weather like we had this year, espresso would have been a great way to warm up! I would like to see more handcrafts too. (vendors buy the table for the weekend.) The money goes to Anchorage Native New Life Fellowship and helps to fund the Howling Huskies and other activities they are involved with throughout year.

I have helped and participated with this event by building and updating their website and creating flyers for mailing out. I plan to be involved with this event next year too --- because I see it as a fun outdoor time that the whole family can enjoy and family time is something we all should support.

Maybe you can join us next year!

Hey! What's up with Fur Rondy? No more Fur Rondy! Oh dear...


mrsjojo said...

Sounds like everyone had a good time this year as usual. We weren't able to attend cause we had family visiting and had a whole lot planned before we realized the Howling Huskies event was happening. Can't beat the music and the "fried bread"!!!! Thanks for sharing about the Fur Rondy-that was the first I heard of it. Shows you that I don't read the news. It will be a shame not to have the event-it is so important to one's sanity in the middle of winter. :)

Constance said...

It sure sounds like a lot of fun! I am going to have to look you up if we ever make it to Alaska! It sounds like you enjoy good wholesome fun like we do. I had to laugh at how ccc-cold it was! While we were in the Sierra Nevada Range hiking last week, we woke up to temps in the upper 40's. That was such a treat! Of course now I'm back in the Texas heat and melting my butt off (I wish...sigh)

When I saw the "Howling Huskies" it reminded me of my most recent book I read, "My Life Of Adventure" by Norman Vaughan. One of his accomplishments in the military was using sled dogs in S&R operations. There's a pic of him on a plane with one of his dogs and the name on the plane is "Howling Huskey".