Thursday, December 08, 2005


Sidewalk lights covered in snowslide.

Christmas At Our House
By Connie VanWingerden

We are going to do
Christmas in the snow!
Snowflakes are still falling
And Christmas tunes play low.

Gramppa's kept the sidewalk shoveled,
Dreaming of a snowy ride!
We could have a weenie roast!
While the grandkids play and slide!

Temper'ture's dropped! It's very low,
So we'll bundle up for the cold.
Snowy Christmas fun's still planned,
The cold won't make us fold!

In came the clouds all dark and black,
They hovered big and wide.
Rumor says: "It's gonna warm up and---rain?"
Good grief, let's set that story aside!

The wind blew all that night-
Then the snow slid down the roof!
Oh my, now look all the drips!
Our snow-- it's melting! - Poof!

If this keeps up 'til Christmas,
I guess we'll have to say---
Bring your Christmas mud boots!
It's warm outside! Let's play!

It's warm today in Southcentral Alaska. Warm, cold, warm, cold! Weather can't make up it's mind, just like me!


Constance said...

When I first saw the photos it was if I was looking into deep space at some sort of Nebula! I wish it were warm today in Texas! Brrrr!!!! We have unusually cold weather. Just this past Sat we had 83 degrees and we were running around in shorts. Today it's in the teens and we are getting over an ice storm! Cute poem!

Connie Marie said...

It's 40 f right now!

Kerri said...

It's 48 down here in Southeast. Rain and wind today.

I enjoyed your poem. :o)

Constance said...

Does anyone think it's odd that it's warmer in Alaska than it is down here in Texas? Go figure!