Saturday, October 22, 2005

Music Videos & Are You Musical?

Flying back from the village of Huslia
I found a site online that allowed free use of videos. I had put a link to the site but now am not sure I should since I had a virus alert here. SO I am removing the link. I will try to listen to the links on the left side again and if I receive another alert then I will remove the links, if it seems to work okay with my virus scanner then I will leave them.
UPDATE: I listened to the videos and did not get an alert, but since I am not happy with even getting one alert in the first place, I have removed the link and will remove the others. Just listen to "Angels", "He Walked On Water" if you have never heard them, if you get the chance to.
I love listening to Randy Travis and the links were some of his tunes that I have on a CD. It's funny how we are, or I should say how I am. I just assume that everyone else is like me or my family about a lot of stuff we do. Our family is musical so I figure other families are too. I've been asked, "Your family is musical? I reply, "Isn't yours?" The only one that does not play a musical instrument is myself --- but I sing. Usually when I am asked what instrument I can play, I say, "I play the stereo." I believe most people are muscial. It's inside of us just waiting to pop out in a wee note. We may not be SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIELADOSIOUS at it, but it comes with the territory of being human. Are you musical? No? YES you are! You can hum... or clap... or tap a foot. See! Doug is part of a group called Alaska Freedom Band and he plays the bass guitar and sings too. Sometimes I travel with him on trips and when I do, we sing duets. I like to tag along and would rather take pictures of the different areas they get to fly out to but, usually they ask us to sing too. I like to hear the band sing a song really, really well, and sing all their parts. Harmony, Tenor, Alto, Bass. Four parts and with much feeling. It is so impressive and touches my heart. The guys sing Country Gospel. They all play guitars. When they go out to villages here in Alaska the people love it, since they don't usually hear much special music way out there. While out in the villages there is usually a big potluck dinner some time during the weekend we are there. That's one thing they do well out there, cook! Most travel is on weekends since most of the guys have to keep jobs too. Doug won't be able to go on several upcoming trips because of his work schedule, he is bummed.


Kerri said...

I love to sing! I play the clarinet, a little self-taught piano, and even less mother-taught guitar. She took lessons when I was in the 6th grade. She'd come home and teach me her lessons so that if/when she forgot, I could help her out. Funny how she never thought to take me with her to her lessons!

Connie Marie said...

How come I am not surprised? Hey maybe someday AFB will end up in your neck of the woods and we can hear you sing! :-)

Kerri said...

Haha, as cool as it would be to see you folks, I doubt you'd get me up there to sing!

Connie Marie said...

You have not met my brother Don!